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ZHAN Jinyan
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ZHAN Jinyan

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Zhan Jinyan

    Faculty Page at Beijing Normal University:


    Over 80 papers have been published by Dr. Zhan. Dr. Zhan integrates spatial analysis approaches into dynamics and consequences of land system change research, and contributes in the integration and comprehensive application of geography and GIS technologies. She applies spatial analysis approaches into the mechanism research of land use/cover change at grid level, and she also embeds remote sensing retrieval methods into land use conversion research as well as policy optimization research. Some creative work has been achieved including: 1) Relationship between economic development and land use conversion. For instance, based on county level verification, her research proofs that appropriate economic development will not led to loss of land resources. 2) Appropriate spatial zoning of ecosystem services will provide some valuable information in policy formulation. Dr. Zhan has developed and applied SIZES model into ecological planning at county level and municipal level.

    Contact Information:

    School of Environment, Beijing Normal University

    No. 19, XinJieKouWai St., HaiDian District, Beijing 100875, P. R. China


    Tel: 13521071561

    Educational Background:

    2000-2003           Ph. D. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

    1997-2000           Master of Science

    Shandong Normal University

    1993-1997           Bachelor of Science, Department of Geography

    Shandong Normal University

    Employment Record:

    2008.9 - Beijing Normal University, Environment School, Associate Professor

    2006.6 - 2008.9 Beijing Normal University, Environment School, lecturer

    2003.6 - 2006.6 Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Post Doctor

    Research Interests:

    1.Dynamics and Consequences of Land Use Changes;

    2.Environmental Management;

    3.Ecosystem Services Assessment and Valuation

    Course Information

    Ecosystem Assessment and Management

    Environmental Geography

    Environmental science and engineering internship

    Research Projects:

    1.Integration of the simulation on the climatic and ecological effects of land cover and land use change and the scenario-based analyses at multiple scales, MOST grant;

    2.Ecosystem Services Monitoring and Assessment in Poyang Lake. MOST grant;

    3.Spatial Identification, Analyses and Driving Mechanism of the Changes of Ecosystem Services in Poyang Lake, NSFC grant;

    4.Analyses and Diagnoses on the Resilience of Forest Ecosystem in Heshui Watershed. NSFC grant;


    1.HOU Linke, ZHANG Yanjie, ZHAN Jinyan*, Thomas GLAUBEN. Marginal revenue of land and total factor productivity in Chinese agriculture: Evidence from spatial analysis. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2012, 22(1): 167-178

    2.Jinyan Zhan, Tao Zhang, Qin Jin, Yingzhi Lin. A centroid movement analysis of land uses in the North China Plain during 1988-2020. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2012.Vol.10 (1): 802-807.

    3.Jinyan Zhan, Haiming Yan, Bin Chen, Jiao Luo and Nana Shi. Decomposing Analysis of the Mechanisms behind the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Changes in Carbon Sequestration in China. Energies. 2012, 5(2): 386-398

    4.Qingling Shi, Jinyan Zhan*, Feng Wu, Lirong Xu. Simulation on water flow and water quality in Wuliangsuhai Lake using a 2-D hydrodynamic model. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2012. Vol.10 (2): 973-975.

    5.Tao Zhang, Jinyan Zhan*, Dongdong Liu, Qingling Shi, Feng Wu. Equilibrium between economic growth and emission reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus: A case study in Poyang Lake Watershed, China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2012 Vol.10 (3&4): 1118-1120.

    6.Yan Haiming, Zhan Jinyan*, Zhang Tao. Assessment of forest ecosystem resilience in Lianhua County. Journal of Natural Resources. 2012.Vol.27 (8):1304-1315.

    7.Yan Haiming, Zhan Jinyan*, Zhang Tao. Review of ecosystem resilience research. Progress in Geography. 2012. Vol.31 (3):303-314.

    8.Zhan Jinyan, Wu Feng, Deng Xiangzheng, Lin Yingzhi. (2012). Study on eutrophication of lakes in China: Based on the empirical analysis of 22 lakes in China. Ecology and Environmental Sciences. ( in Chinese. accepted)

    9.Zhan Jinyan. (2011). Ecosystem Services Specification and Assessment. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.

    10.Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, Yan Haiming, Lin Yingzhi. (2011). Exploration of the Causes for Forest Area Changes in Jiangxi Province. Journal of Natural Resources, 26(2):335-343 (in Chinese)

    11.Jiang Qun’ou, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, He Shujin. (2011). Estimation of Land Production and Its Response to Cultivated Land Conversion in North China Plain. Chinese Geographical Science, 21(6): 685-694.

    12.Liu Jiyuan, Shao Quanqin, Yan Xiaodong, Fan Jiangwen, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Gao Xuejie, Huang Lin, Xuan Xinliang, HuYunfeng, Wang Junbang, Kuang Wenhui. (2011). An Overview of the Progress and Research Framework on the Effects of Land Use Change upon Global Climate. Advances in Earth Science, 26(10): 1015-1021. (in Chinese)

    13.Zhan Jinyan, Lin Yingzhi, Ge Quansheng, Xu Zhigang. (2010). Simulation of the impacts on the market price fluctuation due to naaotural disaster based on a partial equilibrium modeling framework: A case study on the Wenchuan Earthquake. Geographical Research, 30(8):1449-1456. (in Chinese)

    14.Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, He Shujin, Lin Yingzhi. (2010). Factors and mechanism driving the land-use conversion in Jiangxi Province. Journal of geophysical science, 20(4): 525-539.

    15.Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, He Shujin, Lin Yingzhi. (2010). Driving Mechanism of Cultivated Land Conversions in Jiangxi. Acta Geographica Sinica, 65(4): 485-493. (in Chinese)

    16.Yan Haiming, Zhan Jinyan*, Jiang Qun’ou. (2010). Scenario simulation of change of forest land in Poyang Lake watershed. Procedia Environmental Sciences.

    17.Crystal Gauvin, Emi Uchida, Scott Rozelle, Xu Jintao, Zhan Jinyan. (2010). Cost-Effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services with Dual Goals of Environment and Poverty Alleviation. Environmental Management, 45(3):488-501.

    18.Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, WU Hong, Deng Xiangzheng. (2009). A Self-organization Mapping Neural Network Algorithm and its Application to Identify Ecosystem Service Zones. Agricultural Science & Technology, 10(5): 162-165.

    19.Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, Deng Xiangzheng. (2009). Spatial identification and representation of the core ecosystem services in Poyang Lake area. Geographical Research, 28(4): 1022-1030. (in Chinese)

    20.Shi Nana, Zhan Jinyan*, Wu Feng, Du Jifu. (2009). Identification of the core ecosystem services and their spatial heterogeneity in Poyang Lake area. Front. Earth Sci. China, 3(2): 214-220. Corresponding author

    21.Wu Feng, Zhan Jinyan*, Deng Xiangzheng, Shi Nana. (2009). Methodology and Application of Dynamic Identification System for Ecosystem Services. Geo-Information Science, 11(4): 498-504. (in Chinese)

    22.Shi Nana, Zhan Jinyan*, Wu Feng, Lin Yingzhi. (2009). System for identifying and zoning ecosystem services and its application in Poyang Lake area. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 28 (9): 1909-1914. (in Chinese)

    23.Han Jianzhi, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan. (2009). Effects of Carbon Sequestration Strategies on Agricultural Production in the North China Plain Agricultural Science & Technology, 10(5): 171-174.

    24.Deng Xiangzheng, Han Jianzhi, Zhan Jinyan, Zhao Yonghong. (2009). Management strategies and evaluation of their effects for carbon sequestration in cropland. Agricultural Science & Technology, 10(5): 134-139.

    25.WU Hong, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Wu Feng, Li Xing. (2009). Developing a Multi-sectoral Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Model to Simulate the Emission Reduction of Nitrogen and Phosphorus at a Catchment Extent. Proceedings for 2009 2nd International Conference on Beimedical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 3, 1689-1692, Shi Riyi, Fu Wenjiang, Wang Yuanquan, Wang Huaibin (eds), 17-19 Oct. 2009 Tianjin, China.

    26.Huang Wei, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Lin Yingzhi. (2009). Estimating the Effects of Climatic Change on Grain Production: Spatial versus Non-spatial Models. Proceedings for 2009 2nd International Conference on Beimedical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 4, 2187-2190, Shi Riyi, Fu Wenjiang, Wang Yuanquan, Wang Huaibin (eds), 17-19 Oct. 2009, Tianjin, China.

    27.Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, Deng Xiangzheng, etal. (2008). Interpolating the information of site-based soil organic carbon stocks into surface: a case study in the north China plain. IGARSS 2008

    28.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Qiu Dongsheng, etal. (2008). Estimating the Irrigation Water Requirements at a Regional Scale: a Case Study in the North China Plain. ITESS.2008: 1003-1008.

    29.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Tang Huaxiu, etal. (2008). Design of Distributed Information Systemand Its Application in Environmental Dynamic Monitoring. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 36(1): 33-36.

    30.Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Wang Lei, etal. (2008). Predicting soil organic carbon dynamics under various scenarios using data assimilation strategy: a case study in the north China plain. IGARSS 2008

    31.Shi Nana, Zhan Jinyan *. (2008). Study on the Spatial Division of Core Ecosystem Service Functions in Xilingol League of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 36(34):15149-15152

    32.Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Su Hongbo. (2008). Simulation and Analysis of Land System Structure Changes in Huang-Huai–Hai Plain Area.   Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 36(4): 1542-1546. (in Chinese).

    33.Deng Xiangzheng, Su Hongbo, Zhan Jinyan*. (2008). Integration of Multiple Data Sources to Simulate the Dynamics of Land Systems. Sensors 8(2), 620-634.

    34.Wang Lei, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, etal. (2008). Assessment of suitability of land uses using a multi-source information fusion method: a case study in the hilly area of Shandong Peninsular of China. IGARSS 2008

    35.Jiang Qunou, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, etal. (2008). Projecting the land use changes in China for the next two decades using a dynamic simulation framework. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7143 71431.

    36.Tang Huaxiu, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, etal. (2008). Coupling Analysis on the Crop Irrigation Water Requirements of Huang-huai-hai Plain and the Potential Yield of Cultivated Land. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 36(2): 727-731.

    37.Jiang Qun’ou, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Liu Xingquan. (2008). Impacts of cultivated land conversion on the vegetation carbon storage in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. Geographical Research, 27(4): 839-846.  (in Chinese)

    38.Tang Huaxiu, Ma Jinsun, Zhan Jinyan, etal. (2008). Interpolation of the Population Data from Census and Accuracy Validation: A case study in Jiang Su Province. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin. 17(4): 506-510.

    39.Zhang Renhua, Su Hongbo, Tian Jing, Li Zhaoliang, Chen Shaohui, Zhan Jinyan, DengXiangzheng, Sun Xiaomin, Wu Jianjun. (2008). Drought Monitoring in Northern China Based on Remote Sensing Data and Land Surface Modeling. IGARSS 2008

    40.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Jiang Qun’ou, Shi Nana. (2007). The Application of System Dynamics and CLUE-S Model in Land Use Change Dynamic Simulation: a Case Study in Taips County, Inner Mongolia of China. Conference on System Science, Management Science & System Dynamics. 2781-2790.

    41.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Xiang Qing, Jiang Qun’ou, Shi Nana. (2007). One Kilometer Grid Model and its Application in Tracing Changes of Forest Area in Northeast China. Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology. 74-79.

    42.Yue Tianxiang, Ma Shengnan, Wu Shixin, Zhan Jinyan. (2007). Comparative analyses of the scaling diversity index and its applicability. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 28(7): 1611–1623.

    43.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Chen Rui. (2005). Scenario analyses of the landscape change in the Loess Plateau: a case study of Qingyang prefecture, China, Processing of 25th Anniversary conferences, IGARSS, Seoul, Korea.

    44.Liu Jiyuan, Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng. (2005). The Spatio-temporal Pattern and Driving Forces of Urban Land Expansion in China after the Economic Reform. AMBIO, 34(6):445-449

    45.Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan. (2005). The Patterns and Driving Forces of Urban Sprawl in China, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International, Volume: 3: 1511-1513.

    46.Lei Jun, Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Guo Zhaocheng. (2005). Monitoring the Landscape Change in the Semi-arid Areas: A Case Study in Yulin Prefecture of Shaanxi, China, Proceedings of SPIE.

    47.Chen Rui, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan. (2005). Monitoring and Assessment of Landscape Change in the Minjiang Watershed, the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River,Processing of 25th Anniversary conferences, IGARSS, Seoul, Korea.

    48.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Yue Tianxiang. (2004). Landscape change detection in Yulin prefecture. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 14(1):47-55.

    49.Zhan Jinyan, Deng Xiangzheng, Yue Tianxiang, Bao Yuhai. (2004). Land Use Change and Its Environmental Effects in the Farming-Pasturing Interlocked Areas of Inner Mongolia. Resources Science, 26(5): 80-87. (in Chinese)

    50.Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan. (2004). Scale-effect Analysis of LUCC Driving Forces in the Farming-pasturing Interlocked Area in Northern China. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 20(3): 64-68.  (in Chinese)

    51.Deng Xiangzheng, Liu Jiyuan, Zhan Jinyan. (2004). Scenarios Analyses on the Spatio-temporal Patterns of Land Use Change. Geo-Information Science, 6(1): 81-88. (in Chinese)

    52.Deng Xiangzheng, Liu Jiyuan, Zhan Jinyan, Zhao Tao. (2004). Dynamic simulation on the spatio-temporal patterns of land use change in Taibus County. Geographical Research, 23(2):147-156. ( in Chinese)

    53.Deng Xiangzheng, Huang Shumin, Zhan Jinyan, Zhao Tao. (2004). A Methodology Framework for Regional Land-use Changes Studies based on Landsat TM images: A Case Study in Northeast China. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 2004, 2(4), 3-11.

    54.Zhan Jinyan, Jiang Nan, Li Rendong, Lu Qi. (2003). Land Use Change and Its Environmental Impact during Urbanization in Wu Xi Municipality. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 12(6): 515-521. (in Chinese)

    55.Zhuang Dafang, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Zhao Tao. (2002). A study on the spatial distribution of land use change in Beijing. Geographical Research, 21(6): 667-674. ( in Chinese)

    56.Zhang, T, Zhan, J*, Huang, J, Yui, R and Shi, C. An Agent-based reasoning of impacts of regional climate changes on land use changes in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China. Advances in Meteorology. 2013: ID 248194, 9 pages,

    57.Juan Huang, Jinyan Zhan*, Haiming Yan, Feng Wu, and Xiangzheng Deng. The Scientific World Journa. Evaluation of the Impacts of Land Use on Water Quality: a Case Study in The Chaohu Lake Basin. 2013: ID 329187, 7 pages,

    58.Wu, F, Zhan, J*, Yan, H, Shi, C and Huang, J. Land Cover Mapping Based on Multisource Spatial Data Mining Approach for Climate Simulation: A Case Study in the Farming-Pastoral Ecotone of North China. Advances in Meteorology. 2013: ID 520803, 12 pages,

    59.Tao Zhang, Jinyan Zhan*, Feng Wu, Jiao Luo, and Juan Huang. Regional climate variability responses to future land surface forcing in the Brazilian Amazon. Advances in Meteorology. Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 852541, 9 pages,

    60.Haiming Yan, Jinyan Zhan*, Bing Liu, Wei Huang, Zhihui Li. Spatially Explicit Assessment of Ecosystem Resilience: An Approach to Adapt to Climate Changes. Advances in meteorology. 2014, Article ID 798428, 1-9

    61.Haiming Yan, Jinyan Zhan*, Juan Huang, Tengteng Zhai. Possible Biogeophysical Effects of Cultivated Land Conversion in Northeast China in 2010–2030. Advances in meteorology. 2014, Article ID 876730, 1-9

    62.Haiming Yan, Jinyan Zhan*, Bing Liu, Yongwei Yuan. Model Estimation of Water Use Efficiency for Soil Conservation in the Lower Heihe River Basin, Northwest China during 2000–2008. Sustainability. 2014, 6(9):6250-6266

    63.Luo Jiao, Zhan Jinyan*, Lin Yingzhi, Zhao Chunhong. An equilibrium analysis of the land use structure in Yunnan Province, China. Frontiers of Earth Science. 2014, 8(3):393-404

    64.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, Zhan Wang  and Qian Zhang. Streamflow variation due to glacier melting and climate change in upstream Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Physcis and Chemistry of Earth, Parts A/B/C. 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2014.08.002

    65.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, Chenchen Shi, Chunhong Zhao. An extended Input-Output Table for Environmental and Resources Accounting. 中国人口资源环境. 2014, 3.18:33-41

    66.Ram Babu Singh, Aakriti Grover and Jinyan Zhan. Inter-Seasonal Variations of Surface Temperature in the Urbanized Environment of Delhi Using Landsat Thermal Data. Energies. 2014, 7:1811-1828

    67.Qun'ou Jiang, Chengcai Tang, Jinyan Zhan, Wei Zhang, Feng Wu. Environmental cost and pollution risk caused by the industrial transfer in Qinghai Province. Frontiers of Earth Science. 2014, 8(3):362-374

    68.Shaohui CHEN, Hongbo SU, Jinyan ZHAN, Jing TIAN. Estimating the impact of land use change on surface energy partition based on the Noah model. Frontiers of Earth Science. 2014, 8(1):18–31

    69.Jinyan Zhan, Zhongxiao Sun, Zhan Wang, Jiancheng Chen, Zhaohua Li. Simulated water productivity in Gansu Province, China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2015,Article ID :79–82, 67–75

    70.Yan, Haiming; Zhan, Jinyan*; Jiang, Qun'ou; Yuan, Yongwei; Li, Zhihui. Multilevel modeling of NPP change and impacts of water resources in the Lower Heihe River Basin. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2015, 79-82: 29-39

    71.Chenchen Shi, Jinyan Zhan*. An Input-Output table based analysis on the virtual water by sectors with the five northwest provinces in China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth.  Volumes 79–82, 2015, Pages 47–53

    72.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, Hongbo Su, Haiming Yan and Enjun Ma. Scenario-Based Impact Assessment of Land Use/Cover and Climate Changes on Watershed Hydrology in Heihe River Basin of Northwest China. Advances in meteorology. 2015, Article ID 410198, 1-11

    73.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, Jiancheng Chen, Chao He and Qian Zhang. Water Yield Variation due to Forestry Change in the Head-Water Area of Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Advances in meteorology. 2015, Article ID 786764, 1-8

    74.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, Zhan Wang, Qian Zhang. Streamflow variation due to glacier melting and climate change in upstream Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2015,79–82: 11–19

    75.Chenchen Shi, Jinyan Zhan*, Yongwei Yuan, Feng Wu, and Zhihui Li. Land use zoning for conserving ecosystem services under the impact f climate change. Advances in meteorology. 2015, Article ID 496942, 1-13

    76.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, Qian Zhang, Zhongxiao Sun, and Zhan Wang. Evaluating impacts of industrial transformation on water consumption in the Heihe River Basin of northwest China. Sustainability. 2014,6:8283-8296

    77.Feng Wu, Jinyan Zhan*, İnci üneralp. Present and future of urban ecosystem water balance in the rapidly urbanizing Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Ecological Modeling. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.11.032